-About AVERY-

-About AVERY-


This is Tanya’s daughter, Avery. It all started in 2013 when this sweet kid was in grade 1. Avery struggled to meet the demands in her classroom - behaving in the expected way, learning in the expected way, and making friends in the expected way.

After having Avery assessed, it all made sense, and the diagnoses and the recommendations from the assessment process profoundly shifted the trajectory of Avery’s learning in so many positive ways.

From that point on, Tanya turned her focus towards helping kids like Avery - and their parents and teachers - to thrive and to experience success. A true labour of love!

When we were brainstorming possible names for the clinic, Avery looked at Tanya and said “Well…why do you do what you do?” And the answer? Simple.



Hello and welcome! I am a Registered Psychologist, a Permanent Professionally Certified Teacher, and Avery’s mom. I have over 20 years of combined experience working with struggling students and their families as a teacher, a learning strategist, a guidance counselor, a public educator, an advocate, and a school psychologist.

I am incredibly passionate about helping kids to experience success through the assessment process. I am equally passionate about helping parents and teachers learn new ways to support their students. Over the last 20 years, I have become something of an expert in ADHD and Learning Disabilities - particularly Dyslexia - and I regularly provide coaching and education for teachers, caregivers, and educational specialists in addition to conducting assessments. I also have extensive experience supporting twice exceptional gifted learners and students struggling with mood and anxiety disorders.

As a Parent Coach for the Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (CADDAC), I support children and families with improving the behaviours associated with ADHD and the relationships in the home. I am also a Sessional Instructor at the University of Calgary, where I teach about Learning Disabilities as part of the Master of Education program.

In the past 20 years I have developed a unique ability to combine my real-world experiences - as a teacher, a guidance counsellor, a parent, and a psychologist - with my professional practice. This allows me to approach my work with struggling students and their families from a place of empathy, insight, and expertise in order to set them up for success. I completed over 3000 hours of psychology training under the supervision of a skilled assessment psychologist JUST doing assessments at Foothills Academy Society in Calgary, one of the best when it comes to all things assessment related.

I am a member of the International Dyslexia Association (IDA) and the Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit Disorder (CHADD) organization. I get what it’s like to have a child struggle. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions you might have!