Literacy Program

As parents, when our kids are having difficulty learning to read and spell, we often hear :

“Your child is young…they’ll catch up”.

But current research in this area consistently indicates that:

Children who are poor readers at the end of first grade almost never acquire average-level reading skills by the end of elementary school without intensive intervention.

- Fletcher et al. (2019)

Even more importantly, research also indicates the following:

In order to close the “reading gap”, a child with Dyslexia who is not identified early (prior to grade 2) may require as much as 150 to 300 hours of intense instruction in 60 minute to 90 minute blocks. The longer the delay in intervention, the longer it will take a child to catch up.

- Fletcher et al. (2019)

Fletcher, J. M., Lyon, G. R., Fuchs, L. S., & Barnes, M. A. (2019). Learning disabilities: From identification to intervention (2nd ed.). The Guilford Press.

The Avery STARS Literacy Program is designed for children aged 6 onward who are struggling with their reading, spelling, and writing development, including students diagnosed with Dyslexia.

This is not a traditional “reading tutoring” program where a tutor works on school-related activities and homework. Instead, we provide one-on-one targeted instruction in fundamental skills related to reading and writing that will impact how your child performs across all academic subjects.

We use the Barton Reading System, a Structured Literacy program that is based on phonological coding research and Orton-Gillingham (OG) principles. This program is grounded in the Science of Reading research as one of the best methods for teaching struggling readers how to read and spell. Your child will receive systematic and intensive reading and spelling instruction based on their areas of need to become a reading, spelling, and writing STAR.

We know that many kids who struggle to read are also dealing with other things: Anxiety, ADHD, behaviour challenges, and such. We work very hard to meet EVERY child where they are at in order to set them up to be successful and tailor their program as needed.

Research in improving literacy outcomes for at-risk readers and Dyslexic students indicates that frequent and intense (the amount of time doing instruction) instruction is critical in helping to close their literacy gap. We recommend a minimum of 3-4 hours per week of one-on-one instruction. That said, if you can only make 1-2 hours/week work, that’s better than 0 hours!

We are here to help your child:

- Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM

We charge an hourly rate of $60/hour which can either be paid per session or in advance of a block of sessions.

Click the box below to learn more about how Avery can help your child become a reader with the STARS intensive reading intervention program.


STARS Literacy Program.

“5+++ star review of Kyle at the Avery FSPS STARS Literacy Program. We were offered the opportunity to let my son try out their Literacy Program they just set up and I have to say, it blew my mind. Sam is a kid with severe behaviour issues, a kid with an ODD diagnosis, a severe speech disorder, a kid who was seriously failed by the school system and therefore fights all structured instruction... I was so scared. I was expecting a huge fight, expecting to drag him in kicking and screaming a few times before giving up half way through.

Sam is extremely bright and he loves to work the system when he doesn't want to do something. We have been asked to leave more classes than I can remember. From the first day with Kyle it was like a switch flipped in him. The second day was rocky but Kyle said hey its OK we all have bad days. We won't give up! Day 3 and on much to my shock he went- HAPPILY- to see Kyle. I can't emphasize enough how huge this was, he NEVER has consistently come out of any class (sports included) with a smile like this, the pride over flowing out of him. Nearly every day following was a smile day, a "I'm going to see Kyle!" day. Minimal fighting, minimal bribery, he left almost every single day with a beaming smile and a new secret to tell me about what he worked on.

I don't know how Kyle got through to Sam but he did. It's rare Sam trusts anyone after having some negative experiences, Kyle cracked the code. A mere few weeks after Sam started, I was gifted the most amazing letter pictured below. This is a few weeks of progress starting at ZERO language skills.

He never seemed to be able to retain anything I tried to teach him, letters were like hieroglyphics. Kyle broke through and somehow had him motivated to retain the information! He went from knowing zero letter sounds to knowing all of them, from zero words recognized to reading beginner level books. BOOKS!

If you're looking for an amazing program with an amazing teacher I can't recommend Avery FSPS highly enough. They are extremely educated and have personal experience with ADHD and kiddos with extra needs. This is not just their job this is their passion and they put so much love into it. They are located about as far away from us as they can get but I would do it again, worth every minute.”

-Sam’s Mom

Meet the STARS Literacy Team

  • Kyle

    Avery Co-Founder and Director of STARS Literacy Program (Barton Reading System Certified)

    Hi, I’m Kyle. I am a fully certified Barton Literacy instructor. I have had a lifelong passion for working with children, including 17 years working as a leader with youth church programs. I particularly enjoyed being a team leader for a mission trip to Mexico that took 30 high school students to build a home, set up a medical clinic, and build relationships with local children. But the best? Being a camp counsellor at Camp Okotoks for kids ages 8-18 for several years. I approach my work with kids at Avery from a place of compassion, kindness, gentleness, and humour. I believe that building a trusting relationship with my students allows them to feel safe to take risks in their learning, and I love watching the daily gains they make! As a Barton Certified Reading Instructor, I love sharing my knowledge with my students and with the Literacy Team at Avery.

  • Erika

    STARS Literacy Instructor

    Hi, my name is Erika. I am a recent university graduate with a Bachelor's degree in Psychology (Honours with Distinction). During my studies, I also pursued minors in human development and counselling, as well as learning and developmental disabilities. Drawing from my personal experiences with overcoming learning challenges, I have developed a strong passion for assisting others in surpassing expectations and overcoming obstacles. I am particularly interested in supporting educational growth and seeing individuals flourish, which is why I aspire to work as a school psychologist in the future. As part of this journey, I am excited to have begun my studies as a graduate student in the MEd School and Applied Child Psychology program at the University of Calgary. I recently was given the opportunity to work at Avery FSPS, where I thoroughly enjoy my role as a reading instructor. To me, every moment spent with these youth presents a valuable opportunity to positively influence their lives, to inspire and encourage them, as we work together to build their reading and writing literacy skills.

  • Alyssa

    STARS Literacy Instructor

    Hello! My name is Alyssa, and I am currently a graduate student in the MEd School and Applied Child Psychology program at the University of Calgary. Before pursuing my Master's degree, I graduated with my Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Psychology at UBC Okanagan. During my undergrad, I took the time to strengthen my research experience by working and volunteering in multiple labs. After gaining research experience, I took the opportunity to expand on my applied skills by working in clinical settings. For example, I have experience supporting children and youth with special needs in life skills and academics. Specifically, I have worked closely with youth diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, and intellectual disabilities, to name a few. My position as a STARS Literacy Instructor will help me achieve my goal to work as a School Psychologist in the future. With patience, understanding, and targeted interventions, my goal is to empower these students to build confidence and achieve success in their educational journey.